Motion Detector

3 minute read

Hey there! How are you all? Hope you’re healthy. At the moment of this post I am studying Digital Image Processing, under the tutelage of Agostinho Brito Jr. You can check out his online Digital Image Processing Classes by clicking on this link.

The Task

I’ll address the following task troughout this post:

The histogram of an image is a function that maps each gray level of an image to the number of times it occurs in the image. Notice the histogram is the image information condensed. For example, imagine a greyscale image with 256 intensity levels and shape equal to 640x480: the histogram is a vector with 256 positions, while the image is an array with 307200 values stored! Now suppose we need to know if an image changed. Instead of computing pixel-wise image differences, we just need to calculate differences between histograms! Pretty better, uh?

How to know Histogram Changes?

I remember when I was studying Experimental Physics and, when I was making experiments and collected data, if two samples differ less than 10%, they were considered equal. That is, suppose two numerical samples: s1 and s2. Do the calculation:

\(percentage = \frac{s1-s2}{s1}\).

If \(percentage<0.1\) we consider s1 approximately equal to s2.

I also remember when I was learning Iterative Methods for solving Matrix Equations in Numerical Methods. One of these methods is the Gauss-Seidel Method. In such techinique we need to know when the solution was reached and it is measured using the maximum norm of the difference between two vector samples (\(x_1\) and \(x_2\), for example) divided by the maximum norm of the first sample. It is defined as:

\[percentage :=\frac{ ||\overrightarrow{x_1}-\overrightarrow{x_2}||_\infty }{ || \overrightarrow{x_1} ||_\infty}\]

given that

\(\vert\vert \overrightarrow{x}\vert\vert_\infty := max(\vert x_1 \vert,\vert x_2 \vert, ..., \vert x_n \vert )\) .

I remember at the time such metric did not make any sense for me. But after studying a little more it seems pretty reasonable and a smart way of measuring if a change is significant. Notice the numerator of percentage is telling us the largest difference between the samples and when we divide such value by the largest value of the previous sample, we get a form of relative measure. Why is it important? Because it somewhat guarantees us no other value will have greater deviation.

Personally, IMHO I believe we should use in the denominator the shortest absolute value of the previous sample, so we guarantee we’re looking at the largest deviation. I decided to keep things as I learned. Or… maybe I simply don’t remember the correct definition anyway.

In the context of Numerical Analysis, if percentage was smaller than 10% we considered the numerical solution was reached.

Ok, then why such story now? It is because I am going to use the same idea while assuming the histograms are vectors just like any other.

You can look at my code here and here you’ll find Agostinho’s explanation about the original code I based myself on.

The implementation of percentage happens in a few lines I am going to explain below.


The first thing to do is to define cv::Mat objects to contain the following histograms: previous_histR and hist_difference.

The algorithm logic is to always compare the current Red plane histogram (the histogram related to the red component) with the last one (which will be saved in previous_histR). Such difference will be stored in hist_difference.

Why the red component? It was arbitrary chosen.


In the previous chunk, I calculate the absolute difference between the respective samples I defined alreay.

The following lines saves the maximum values in the double variables max_hist_diff and max_red_hist (this last one is the denominator of the)

        std::cout<<"histogram severely changed!"<<std::endl;

The previous block calculate the ratio that defines percentage and, if such value is greater than 0.07 (7%), a message is displayed at the terminal.

Watch Out! Actually, the ratio is wrong. I noticed it while I was writing this post. Notice I am not dividing by an absolute value, but the value itself. Why to use 7%? Such value was chosen with experiments. I noticed it represents a better threshold when I am dealing with histograms.


To test the code yourself, please navigate to the correct folder and run:


Have a little fun and play around with the threshold! Remember that, to use the new one, you’ll need to make the file again.